NOHOW, puzzle 1885 by Rhombus You must have been working from a really poor copy. The following need to be changed: Clue 3: C=af Clue 6: G=(d-z)k'/3 Clue 8: J=(K+2z)a/3 Clue 9: K=(n+12z)k'/13 Clue 10: M=(D+4z)c/3 Clue 11: n=(N+19z)N/9 Alan Lemm NOHOW. Clue 3: C = af. Clue 10: M=(D+4z)c/8 Clue 11: n=(N+19z)N/9. Cheers,Alastair ---------------------------------------------------------------- Back Transfer (2181) puzzle by Rhombus I've solved this puzzle, and the following need to be changed: Clue 1: Third column should be S'. Clue 8: Third column should be c' or (D^2)'. Clue 19: Second column should be 3Z'. In the diagram, z (down) should not be capitalized. Alan Lemm ---------------------------------------------------------------- Runs Amuck, puzzle 1825 by Rhombus Clue 3: b = ( H + k + B )( H + k - B ) ( change left side of equation to lower case b. ) Dale Paynter ---------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Mr. Pegg -- Thank you for making available the set of Rhombus puzzles! In the list of mistakes you give for these puzzles, you give: Clue 8: Third column should be c' or (D^2)' This is wrong; it should be: Clue 8: Third column should be c or (D'^2)' In other words, D is reversed then squared and then reversed again to get the needed number. As it happens, the clue could just be c and the puzzle would still be solvable, though it would lose an easy break-in point. (The information about the magic square is another easy break-in point that could have been left out.) I reformatted the corrected puzzle so that I could print it out with the grid squares large enough for making small notes in, and with lots of room next to the clues for figuring; I'm attaching it in case you find it useful. Best wishes, Scott Marley