Clinton Weaver Findings
That Spiral Galaxy puzzle was pretty neat. Not too difficult, but
fun none the less. I can see where a bigger one could get REALLY nasty,
though!! I'm going to give that qualifier a try. Don't know how well
I'll do, but it's worth a shot. I know I can work the puzzles, but that
whole 2.5 hour time limit thing is what will get me, lol. Anyway, I'd
like to see some more of those Spiral Galaxy puzzles. If you know where
I can find more of them, please let me know. Thanks again for the great
puzzles and the great site. Talk to you later.
Clint Weaver
PS: By the way, is the solution for this puzzle unique? I would think
so, but strange things can happen.
Attached are solutions for Erich's 20x20, 23x23, and 25x25 puzzles.
Once again, my thanks to you and Erich for all the great puzzles you
come up with.
Clint Weaver