Joseph DeVincentis 1x2x3 maze (starting from the position marked by dark squares): SWNEESWWNESENNWSE Chasm maze: EESSWNENWWSWNNESWWWNENWSSEE ------------------------------------ Robert Abbott Here are solutions, starting on the yellow squares: Plus Maze: E-N-W-SS-E-N-E-S-WW-N-EE-S-W-N Chasm Maze: WW-NN-E-S-W-S-EEE-N-W-SS-E-N-EE-S-W-S-E-NN-WW I've been doing rolling-block layouts for GAMES and they look pretty interesting. There were a lot of themes I hadn't explored during the height of our rolling-block craze. --------------------------------------------- Ed, The shortest solution to the plus maze I found is 17 moves. Starting from yellow and ending on black, the sequence is LURDDLULDRRULLDRU. Depending upon whatyou mean by the rules of the chasm maze, the best solution is either 5 moves or 27. If you can cantilever the block over the chasm (which I think you meant to prohibit, but I didn't read the rules that way until I realized how easy it is if you're allowed to do this), you can solve it with URULL. If only the center block of the 1x3 block is allowed to overhang the chasms, the best solution I found was LLUURDLDRRRULDDRURRDLDRUULL. -Dan Hennessy ----------------------------------------------- Chasm maze: (There's an endline every time the block is on end) RR DD LUR *ULLD *LUUR *DLLLU RUL DD RR *These lines can be replaced with ULLLD RUUL DLLU which makes the whole solution nice and symmetric. - Matt Elder